Policies, Procedures & Forms
For additional information or questions, please contact CSFPF at (657) 278-2786 or foundation@fullerton.edu.
Jump to: Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable | General Foundation Information & Forms
Accounts Payable
Account Transfer
An Account Transfer is used to transfer funds from one CSFPF account to another.
Change Fund
Change Fund is used to make change at approved fundraising events and other events where the CSFPF serves as the fiscal agent.
Please complete a change fund request using the ServiceNow Check Request .
Check Request
A Check Request is a request to process payments on qualifying expenditures.
Additional Documentation
Faculty and Staff Award
Faculty and staff may be awarded cash or cash equivalent in acknowledgment of noteworthy work-related or academic accomplishments
- Please complete a ServiceNow Requisition Request with an attached Faculty-Staff Award Request Form.
Faculty-Staff Award Request Form
Foundation Credit Card Program
The Foundation Card provides a simplified method to acquire small dollar purchases of approved goods or supplies outside of the formal Procurement Process.
Foundation Card Application
Foundation Card Approving Official Form
Foundation Card Delegation of Authority
Foundation Card Issuance Form
Foundation Card Revision Request Form
Foundation Card Reconciliation Form
IT Purchase Policy
Any related purchases need to adhere to the IT purchasing policy.
Requisition Request
The Procurement Process facilitates the purchases of goods or services requiring, but not limited to: contractual agreements, legal interpretation, liability risk, hazardous materials, international contracts.
Instructions / Training Guides
Additional Documentation
Scholarship Distribution
The Scholarship Distributions is a request to distribute funds to a scholarship recipient.
Additional Documentation
Special Consultant and Payroll
CSFPF provides no payroll services. The Special Consultant Pay and Payroll Reimbursement is for paying individuals already employed by the University or another Auxiliary.
CSFPF follows all State policies for travel reimbursements. Please refer to the Campus Travel Operations site for more information.
Miscellaneous Forms & Documents
CSFPF Procurement Matrix
Honorarium Justification Form
Hospitality (D11) Form
Electronic Submission Guidelines
Lost/Missing Receipt Form
Membership Justification Form
PaymentWorks FAQ
- Prize or Award Form for Non-Employees
Request for Waiver of Workers’ Compensation Insurance Requirement and Waiver of Claims
Unauthorized Purchase Approval Request (UPAR) Form
State Fund & Foundation Account Intercampus Reimbursement Procedure
- Vendor Data Record (VDR) Form is no longer required. See PaymentWorks FAQ for details.
Vendor Sanction Alert Policy
Accounts receivable
Foundation Deposit
The Foundation Deposit is required for, but not limited to, charitable funds received.
Gift of Stock and Wire Transfer
Donors who wish to make a donation via domestic or through an international wire transfer and ACH, please call the Foundation directly at 657-278-2786 or email foundation@fullerton.edu for additional instructions.
Payment Devices
Payment devices applies to all university employees collecting payment via electronic devices (i.e. verfiphone, terminals, SREDS)
- Please work with your units development office to initiate the approval process for a payment device.
Request for Invoice
A Request for Invoice (RFI) is a request by CSUF personnel to generate a bill or invoice for an external (organizations not related to CSUF) or internal (CSUF unit, department, college, the University (CSUF,) and or its auxiliaries (ASC, ASI)) entity.
General Foundation Information & Forms
Cash Management
Cash Management is to ensure cash and cash equivalent is appropriately handled and document.
Fundraising Event
A Fundraising Event is conducted through CSFPF, as it relates explicitly to accepting charitable contributions for a declared purpose from entities solicited on behalf of the University.
Please work with your unit's development office to initiate the approval process for a Fundraising Event.
Account Setup
To create a new Foundation account with a gift or gift agreement, please contact Advancement Services at (657) 278-2118. Signers on the account must be at a director level or above, and each division head must approve the establishment of a new Foundation account.
- ServiceNow Account Setup Request
Account Signer Update Updated Oct 2024
Primary Signatory Agreement Form
Exception to Policy Form
Exception to Policy is considered on a case by case basis. All requests must be approved by CSFPF prior to any action.